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We are MINCE e.V.!
And we specialise in anti-discriminatory cultural youth work with a focus on authentic Black dance cultures. Our projects are aimed at anyone interested in culture, as we create spaces for African, Afrodiasporic, Black, PoC and White children, youth and adults. We work with the elements of dance, movement and music as central tools for self-empowerment and self-reflection.
Since 2017, we continuously offer a variety of projects for all ages: Jam sessions, workshops and conferences; exchange programs and family celebrations, as well as dance and cultural festivals. All of our projects are shaped from a postcolonial and power-critical perspective. To ensure this perspective, we regularly educate ourselves on these topics.
We believe in our work and in the sustainable, positive social change towards a democratic and dynamic youth.
And who are you? Get in touch with us!
The valuable work of Mince e.V. depends on donations and voluntary engagement. We appreciate your support!