about us

who we are

MINCE e.V. - Mature in New Cultural Experiences

We are a Berlin based migrant organisation, with majority Black and PoC leaders and members. Our team consists of curators, educators, cultural practitioners, creatives, linguists and media scientists. We are dancers and recognised actors in our dance communities. Some of us have also done pioneering work in Europe. 

We make use of our diverse perspectives and connect other cultural practitioners, pioneers of the international dance scene and people interested in the empowerment movement. This work does not only create a space for encounters, but also promotes thought-provoking ideas that bring about lasting changes in our society. With these approaches, we repeatedly succeed in developing unique projects for the youth in Berlin and beyond. 

what we do

Empowerment and self-reflection through dance and music

Since 2017, we offer a variety of projects for all ages: Jam sessions, workshops and conferences; Exchange programs and family celebrations, as well as dance and cultural festivals. All of our projects are shaped from a postcolonial and power-critical perspective. To ensure this perspective, we continuously educate ourselves on these topics.

Our projects are aimed at anyone interested in culture as we create spaces for African, Afrodiasporic, Black, PoC and White children, youth and adults. We work with the elements of dance, movement and music as central tools for self-empowerment and self-reflection. 

We value and practice an anti-discriminatory mindset in all aspects of our projects, not least because we predominantly work with and through Black dance and music cultures. Furthermore, authenticity and scene-oriented cultural work are an essential part of our work and the reason why we always work with experts and lecturers from the respective communities.

We also offer our expertise on racism in the dance in form of private consultations. Please contact us via our contact form (-> contact form).

You can read our statutes here. (-> link to statutes) 

our team

Prince Ofori

Prince Ofori

First Chairman, Social worker,

Artistic Director, Educator

Cyrielle Tamby

Cyrielle Tamby

Second Chairman , Diversity Agent,

Curation, Fundraising

Margarita Bönning-Ofori (1)

Margarita Bönning-Ofori


Head of production

Valérie Maibaum

Valérie Maibaum

Protocol,  Awareness,


Naomi Marie-Rose

Naomi Marie-Rose

Communication, Media,

Editorial Office, Awareness

Eveline Ejikeme

Eveline Ejikeme

Social Media & Community

Management, Editing


Richmond Milewsky

Organisation, Curation,



Jamila Saâdani

Accounting, Production assistant,

Management of volunteers

Ananda Walther

Ananda Walter

Treasurer, Production assistant,

Management of volunteers

Dennis Kyere

Dennis Kyere

Curation, Organisation,


WhatsApp Image 2023-08-09 at 08.11.55

Fanny Kulisch



Isaac Kyere

Isaac Kyere

Curation, Educator,



Ana Lucão

Awareness & Organisation



Felizitas Fauther

Produktionsassistenz & Organisation








awareness at your event

Over the course of several months, MINCE e.V. has trained an Awarenessteam, which has since accompanied various projects and events. The MINCE Awarenessteam offers on-site support against discrimination and abusive behavior. The team is available for questions and needs of all kinds and offers retreat options and the ability to act in conflict situations. It supports us and other teams in creating events where a diverse audience can feel as comfortable and safe as possible.

Due to our work, we are particularly focused on anti-Black racism, but of course we work intersectionally. Therefore the members of our Awarenessteam provide support in the event of offensive or transgressive behaviour, e.g. sexist, racist, queer-hostile, ableist or similar assaults, and are prepared for possible needs in advance when organizing events (noise protection, period products,…) In this way, they don’t only intervene in the event of incidents, but also actively contribute by taking preventive measures and therefore reducing the burden on event organizers.

Should an incident occur, the person affected always decides what form of support they would like. And  will then work together to find ways of dealing with the situation or simply offer a sympathetic ear. 

During an event, the MINCE Awarenessteam can be recognized by its distinct purple vests. 

Would you like the MINCE Awarenessteam to support your event? Then get in touch now using our contact form

about Discrimination & Racism

Discrimination happens when individuals or a group of people are placed at a disadvantage due to visible and invisible characteristics, e.g. ethnic origin, sexual identity, religion or disability. Discrimination can take place on an individual level, but it is important to note that discrimination is structurally anchored in our society and therefore permeates all areas of life.

As an association, we are predominantly concerned with Black dance cultures, which is why an anti-racist attitude, as well as an awareness of other forms of discrimination, are an important and necessary part of our work.

We also offer our expertise on racism in the dance context in the form of private consultations. Please contact us via our contact form (-> contact form).

A glossary of terms that we use in our work can be found here. (-> Glossary)

For anti-discrimination / anti-racism within the dance context we also refer to the toolbox of aktiontanz (currently  only available in German)  

Outside of the dance context, we recommend that you seek advice from: Each One Teach One e.V. , Reach Out e.V., PowerMe or BDB e.V.

Guidelines for a Discrimination and Racism Sensitive Space in the dancing context

Within the project “A Safer Space for BIPoC 2021” we developed a paper with antiracist guidelines for us and our (dance) community. We did this in order to further our efforts of creating a discrimination- and racism-sensitive space for dancing.  

The guidelines invite readers to learn more about Black dance cultures, the context from which they emerged and the meaning they carry. Through a series of thought-provoking statements and questions, readers are also encouraged to reflect on their own roles as dancers and consumers of Black culture. Our guidelines fundamentally serve as a tool, guide and motivation to independently learn about the issues of racism in and outside of the dance context.

The goal is to sensitise readers to the issue and to initiate a sustainable change in the European dance scene.

Here are some of the resources we recommend:



instagram accounts

You can download our guidelines for a discrimination and racism sensitive space in dance here (-> download link/ link to Google Drive with request), once we have enabled access after request. If you have the possibility, we also welcome support in the form of a donation.


presse stimmen und INterviewzitate

BA Neukölln

“Die Verbindung zwischen den unterschiedlichen Tanzkulturen fungiert dabei als Mittel zur Selbstermächtigung, einer Form der Bildung und als Performance-Kultur. Durch Tanz, Gesang, Sound und Videoprojektionen wird ein Diskurs geführt, der im Rahmen von Edutainment gleichzeitig aufklärt und unterhält.”

Tanzen ist immer ein Ventil, ein Sprachrohr für mich gewesen. Bewegung ist Sprache – und da ich erst mit 13 nach Deutschland gekommen bin, war das ein Tool für mich, mich zu verständigen.”

Prince Ofori

“Warum ist unsere Arbeit wichtig? 
In unserer sozialen Struktur fallen immer Menschen durchs Raster. Die werden nicht verstanden. Für mich war es wichtig, jeden aufzufangen, auch die Leute, die den Anschluss verloren haben. Nun ist es so, dass das meistens POC oder BIPOC sind, die ständig Rassismus, Unterdrückung und Diskriminierung erfahren – und, dass niemand für sie einsteht. Für uns als Verein ist es wichtig, Botschafter zu sein und die Menschen, die sich perfekt eingegliedert haben und die, die das nicht geschafft haben, zusammenzubringen. Eine Formel zu erfinden, wo sie sich zusammen entfalten können und sich jeder willkommen fühlt. (…) Einen Raum, wo sie Selbstermächtigung erleben.”

Prince Ofori

“In einer öffentlichen Jugendeinrichtung kann zum Beispiel ganz schnell mal das N-Wort fallen und dann heißt es: Das habe ich nicht so gemeint. In dem Fall ist es bei uns so, dass wir wirklich ein Buch aufschlagen und genau erklären, warum so etwas nicht passieren darf und warum sich jemand dadurch ausgeschlossen fühlt. (…) Das kommt in herkömmlichen pädagogischen Praktiken zu kurz.”

Prince Ofori (Tagesspiegel)

Was Teilnehmende über unsere Projekte sagen:

“As a black person, I felt heard, seen.”

“The musical was a big highlight. The artists you picked for the workshops were amazing. The vibes were special”

“I loved the fact that it was such a perfect mixture of things considering dance culture. The festival gave me life and lust and i feel so so grateful for having met and learned from these wonderful dancers and human beings! I want to learn more and grow and be more appreciative and listen better.”

“The celebration of black culture. The effort to try to create a safer space – the great lineup”

“The authentic dance classes and teachers. The aim to make create a safer space for people who identify as black. Meet great people! The foooood. Everything I could learn! From lectures ect.”

A beautiful seed for a healthy future”

Interview excerpts

"The connection between different dance cultures functions as a means of self-empowerment, a form of education and performance culture. Through dance, song, sound and video projections, a discourse is conducted that simultaneously educates and entertains" -Bezirksamt Neuköln

Prince ofori


"Why is our work important? In our social structure, people always fall through the cracks. They are not understood. For me, it was important to reach everyone, even the people who have lost touch with their peers. Now, it's often the case that these are mostly POC or BIPOC, who experience racism, oppression and discrimination all the time and have no one to stand up for them. For us as an association, it's important to be ambassadors and bring people together. Those who have always fit in and those who have not. It is the goal to develop strategy where all can grow together and everyone feels welcome. (...) A space where they experience self-empowerment." (Tagesspiegel)

Prince ofori


"In a public youth facility, for example, the N-word can come up quite swiftly and then people are quick to say that they didn’t mean it. In that case, we think it important to open a book and thoroughly explain exactly why something like that shouldn't happen and why someone feels excluded by the usage of such words. (...) This often comes up short in traditional pedagogical practices." (Tagesspiegel)

What participants say about our projects:

“The approach of the whole festival : I really felt that it was all about consciousness and not only consumption of the dance. And the way everything felt respectful and even people's behaviour was love and consciousness and trying to be better humans. There is a before and after CDC for me!!!" .”

“I loved the fact that it was such a perfect mixture of things considering dance culture. The festival gave me life and lust and i feel so so grateful for having met and learned from these wonderful dancers and human beings! I want to learn more and grow and be more appreciative and listen better.”

“I went to both reflection sessions. I really loved that it was not passive but active involvement with activities and exercises and not only presentations. It was uncomfortable because it was a mirror and that made it very constructive.”

“The positive vibes and feeling of inclusion”

“As a black person, I felt heard, seen.”

“A beautiful seed for a healthy future”

If you find interest in our work and would like to contact our press office, please contact us via the e-mail address:



Current vacancies 

There are no vacancies at the moment.

Unsolicited applications

We are always in need of volunteers for our projects and events and look forward to receiving unsolicited applications.

Also if you would like to enrich our work on a fee basis as an organisational assistant or expert, we are always open to applications and suggestions.

our partners


Since our inception, the Berlin-based streetwear brand has been our loyal supporter and shares our values of responsibility and respect.

Berlin Global village

Since May 2022, we are based in Berlin’s One World Center, the Berlin Global Village in Neukölln. Around 50 development and migrant-diasporic associations and initiatives work here on various topics of global justice, sustainability and diversity. The BGV is a place with a clear stance and at the same time it is also a network.

gemeinschaftshaus gropiusstadt

Since 2018, we have been working on many of our projects in cooperation with Gemeinschaftshaus Gropiusstadt, the largest cultural centre in the south of Neukölln.

berlin mondiale


Berlin Mondiale is a Berlin-wide network of cultural practitioners and artists of urban practice in the context of migration, asylum and exile. Since 2021 we cooperate especially with the Campus Dammweg for some of our projects.

outreach berlin


Outreach has been conducting mobile and socio-spatially oriented youth work in eleven districts of Berlin for over 30 years. We are especially well connected with Team Neukölln and cooperate for various projects with the youth centre Sunshine Inn.

Heimathafen Neukölln

Heimathafen Neukölln is a cultural space for free theater, entertainment, debates, concerts, plays and performances in Berlin-Neukölln.


Oyoun erdenkt, entwickelt und setzt künstlerisch-kulturelle Projekte durch dekoloniale, queer*feministische und migrantische Blickwinkel um. Eine Perspektive, die wir mit dem Kulturzentrum teilen, weshalb wir uns hier mit einigen unserer Projekte gut aufgehoben fühlen.

mince e.v.


Am Sudhaus 2 12053 Berlin



